What we do

The skills we use to help support and advise you

You don’t need to understand the inner workings of technology to use it. We believe in giving straightforward, easy-to-understand explanations so you can make an informed decision. If you don't understand what we're recommending, then we haven't done a good enough job explaining it.

Hardware Systems

Hardware is the most visible part of your IT system. It’s the physical stuff: the computers, the mouse, the printer, the cables, the keyboard, etc. We use only enterprise trusted vendors.

Software Platforms

The software you use to process information is key to helping you collaborate and communicate in an effective, safe way. Regardless of your requirements or exact specifications, we can help you analyze your options and implement the best software solution for your needs.

Network Solutions

From a simple office to a full enterprise-wide multi location deployment, we can develop, install, and support a secure, highly functional networking system that’s the backbone of your entire organization. The result is greater productivity, flexibility, and profitability that will ensure you can share files, access printers, or enable guests to use your network seamlessly and securely.

Cloud Deployments

After moving to cloud services, most people wonder how they ever did without it. From improved efficiency to better data security, the cloud enables lean operations with more agility as you seamlessly integrate new processes and people.

The best part? Cloud computing services do away with expensive servers, datacenters and on-site data storage and replace them with a flexible solution that’s available whenever and wherever you have an internet connection.

Have spotty internet? That’s okay – today’s cloud-based services have taken that into account, allowing you to work offline when the internet’s down and backing your work up when internet’s been restored.

Data Solutions

It's truly amazing how much data is generated and how little of it is put to use, properly backup up or integrated between solutions.

Understanding how to get the most value from your data and how to protect it properly are the first steps in becoming not only more informed but more efficient in your own processes.

Security Services

It can be intimidating to read about security breaches in the news. We don’t like scare tactics, and rest assured that for most organizations, all you need is a proper setup and maintenance, along with strong passwords and staff training, and you’re good to go.

And for those who do have more intense security needs, we’ve got a lot of experience dealing with highly sensitive information. All our staff members get a criminal record check too.